Senin, 22 Desember 2014

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans

The Dark Elixir Drill gathers Dark Elixir from a boundless underground save, and stores it until it is gathered by the player and set into a Dark Elixir Storage. At the point when the drill is full, generation will be halted until it is gathered. 

Aggressors can take up to 75% of the uncollected Dark Elixir in the drill. Having an excess of uncollected assets will make players a more alluring target. 

The Dark Elixir Drill takes up a 3x3 space. 

The Dark Elixir Drill is opened at Town Hall level 7, alongside the Storage. Until the drill is built, Dark Elixir must be acquired by attacking, partaking in Clan Wars, and/or utilizing Gems. 

When you decide to redesign a Dark Elixir Drill, it will consequently gather any uncollected Dark Elixir. Note that if your Dark Elixir Storage is full around then, the uncollected Dark Elixir will be lost. Amid the overhaul the drill quits delivering Dark Elixir; on the off chance that it is pulverized in an assault while the redesign is in advancement, no assets will be lost to the aggressor, as the drill is void. 

It is somewhat hard to see without zooming in, however you can outwardly tell more or less the extent to which Dark Elixir a Dark Elixir Drill right now contains by taking a gander at the glass box on the top back segment of the drill. A void (clear) box implies the Drill is short of what 20% full, while a full (dark) box implies the Drill is no less than 60% full. 

Dark Elixir Drill

You can incidentally support its creation with Gems. Using Gems will twofold the Drill's creation rate for 1 day. 

When you actuate the support for a Dark Elixir Drill, a clock will show up over the drill for a couple of seconds. 

At the point when striking, the least demanding approach to differentiate between the different levels of adversary Drills is to take a gander at the Drill's footings. Dissimilar to the highest point of the Drill, there is an extremely unmistakable distinction between the footings of every one of the six levels. 

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans Redesign Differences 

Dull Elixir Drills experience a noteworthy visual change at level 3. 

At the point when at first built, the Dark Elixir Drill comprises of an enormous helical twist drill, suspended from a tough wooden casing with mortared stone footings. A profound opening, encircled with wood, sits under the twist drill. 

At level 2, the Drill's footings gotten to be smooth white stone, and the highest points of the wooden columns suspending the twist drill get plating. 

At level 3, an extensive part the drill's top surface and casing get to be secured in gold plating, and the footings pick up an ash metal plate. 

Dark Elixir Drill

At level 4 the footings exchange their smooth stone and ash plate for smooth dim iron. 

At level 5 the mining gap increments in size and the footings secure a gold spread. 

At level 6 the gold cover on the footings is supplanted by a spiked gold plate.

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