Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans

The Dark Elixir Drill collects Dark Elixir from an unlimited underground reserve, and stores it until it is collected by the player and placed into a Dark Elixir Storage. When the drill is full, production will be stopped until it is collected.

Attackers can steal up to 75% of the uncollected Dark Elixir in the drill. Having too many uncollected resources will make players a more attractive target.

The Dark Elixir Drill takes up a 3x3 space.

The Dark Elixir Drill is unlocked at Town Hall level 7, along with the Storage. Until the drill is constructed, Dark Elixir can only be obtained by raiding, participating in Clan Wars, and/or using Gems.

When you choose to upgrade a Dark Elixir Drill, it will automatically collect any uncollected Dark Elixir. Note that if your Dark Elixir Storage is full at that time, the uncollected Dark Elixir will be lost. During the upgrade the drill stops producing Dark Elixir; if it is destroyed in an attack while the upgrade is in progress, no resources will be lost to the attacker, as the drill is empty.

It is rather difficult to see without zooming in, but you can visually tell approximately how much Dark Elixir a Dark Elixir Drill currently contains by looking at the glass box on the top rear portion of the drill. An empty (clear) box means the Drill is less than 20% full, while a full (black) box means the Drill is at least 60% full.

You can temporarily boost its production with Gems. Spending Gems will double the Drill's production rate for 1 day.

DE Drill Clash of Clans

When you activate the boost for a Dark Elixir Drill, a clock will appear over the drill for a few seconds.

When raiding, the easiest way to tell the difference between the various levels of enemy Drills is to look at the Drill's footings. Unlike the top of the Drill, there is a very recognizable difference between the footings of all six levels.

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans Upgrade Differences

Dark Elixir Drills undergo a significant visual change at level 3.

When initially constructed, the Dark Elixir Drill consists of a huge helical auger, suspended from a sturdy wooden frame with mortared stone footings. A deep hole, framed with wood, sits under the auger.

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans At level 2, the Drill's footings become smooth white stone, and the tops of the wooden pillars suspending the auger receive plating.

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans At level 3, a large part the drill's top surface and frame become covered in gold plating, and the footings gain a grey metal plate.

DE Drill Clash of Clans

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans At level 4 the footings trade their smooth stone and grey plate for smooth dark iron.

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans At level 5 the mining hole increases in size and the footings acquire a gold cover.

Dark Elixir Drill Clash of Clans At level 6 the gold cover on the footings is replaced by a spiked gold plate.

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